Summary 1: (Tom and the Fence)
Tom lived in the small village of St Peterburg, Mississipi River, with his Aunt Polly, his brother Sid and his sister Mary. Tom liked walking around the village in summer evenings. In Saturday he must work painting the fence, but finally Tom's friends gave him interesting things because they wanted to paint the fence.
Summary 2: (Tom and Huck)
On Sunday, Tom and his brothers always went to Sunday school and after to the church. He had an interesting morning in the church with a dog and a beetle.
When Tom went to school met his friend Huckleberry Finn, all the children admired him. In the class Tom saw a very beautifull girl and Tom is in Love. The teacher was very angry with Tom and he must sit with the girls.
In the nigth Tom and his friend, Huck, went to The graveyard with his dead cat. Tom was afraid and they hear a noise.
Summary 3: (The Graveyard)
Tom and Huck are in the graveyard, and they see three men. They are Muff Poter, Injun Joe, and Dr Robinson. They were fighting for money. Then, Injun Joe killed Dr Robinson. Injune Joe convinced Muff that he killed the doctor.
Tom and Huck saw the scene and they were very afraid because Injun Joe is very dangerous, and they promise don't say anything.
Summary 4: (Jackson's Island)
In summer, the three boys (Tom, Huck and Joe), went to the Jackson's island, and they felt liked real pirates, fishing and slept under the stars.
Inthe town, the people and the family of the boys was very sad because they thought that the boys are dead, and there will be a funeral for the boys on sunday. But Tom had a great idea. When the funeral are starting the three boys walked into the church. Everybody was very happy to see the boys.
Summary 5: (The trial)
Some weeks later it was time for Muff Poter's trial. Tom and Huck were worried, because people say he's a killer, but the boys knew that was not true, and the people will hang him. Tom and Hulck went to the jail and saw Muff. Tom felt terrible. But in the trial, Tom told his history and the people of city listened to him. They were veri surprised. In that moment, Injune Joe jumped out of the window and disappeared!.
Tom became a hero. The days passed and no one could find Injue Joe.
Summary 6: (The Haunted House)
One day, Tom and Huck, go to the haunted house, it was an old and lonely place. when they were upstairs, listened two persons talking and heard Injun Joe's voice and an old Spanish man.They could see under and saw that Injun Joe and his friend, have a big bag with $650 silver coints.
The men Hided the bag in the fireplace, and there, Injun Joe found and old box full of gold coinsl The two mens put the silver and gold undter the cross. Tom and Huck wanted to find the cross and the treasure.
Summary 7: (McDougal's cave)
On Saturday, Becky invited Tom and Her firends to her birthday picnic near the river, and after the picnic the children went to visit Mc Dougal's Cave. Tom and Becky were lost in the cave. That night Huck saved Widow Dauglas0s' life with the help of Mr. Welsh. In the morning all the people of St Petersburg knew about Tom and Becky and they were very worried.
Summary 8: (The Treasure)
Tom saw a man in the cave, it was Injun Joe. On Tuesday Tom and Becky came back at the city and Tome told the story about his adventure in the cave. The cave was closed. Injun Joe was found dear.
Tom and Huck went into the cave and found the treasure box. There was silve and gold coins ($12.000). The two boys took their trausure to Aunt Polly's house. Now Tom and Huck were very rick and famous in St. Petersburg.
My opinion:
This novel is good, is interesting and funny, but sometimes is a litel beet borring. The "the end" is very funny, and happy, because the dangerous doesn't a winer.
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